Choose if Purchasely should continue the action or not
You can intercept the following buttons being tapped:
Navigate (web or deeplink)
Open another paywall
Promo code
The interceptor passes 4 parameters:
action, the PLYPresentationAction enum that gives the type of action
parameters, a dictionary that contains the objects needed to perform the action (like a PLYPlan for a purchase)
info, the PLYPresentationInfo object containing the controller of the paywall to dismiss it or display content / error messages above it, and the presentation id and content id associated to this paywall
proceed a completion handler parameter with a boolean telling Purchasely if it should continue the action itself.
i.e. : Returning true on a purchase action will lead Purchasely to trigger the purchase
On a login action, call proceed(true) to refresh the paywall if the user has logged in
If you don't handle every action, you HAVE TO call proceed(true) otherwise the bouton will keep spinning and nothing will happen.
Purchasely.setPaywallActionsInterceptor { [weak self](action, parameters, info, proceed)inswitch action {// Intercept the tap on logincase .login:// When the user has completed the process// Pass true to reload the paywall if user is logged in self?.presentLogin(above: info?.controller) { (loggedIn) in Purchasely.userLogin(with:"MY_USER_ID")proceed(loggedIn) }// Intercept the tap on purchase to display the terms and conditioncase .purchase: self?.presentTermsAndConditions(above: info?.controller) { (userAcceptedTerms) inproceed(userAcceptedTerms) }default:proceed(true)break }}
[Purchasely setPaywallActionsInterceptor:^(enum PLYPresentationAction action, PLYPresentationActionParameters *parameters, PLYPresentationInfo *info, void (^ proceed)(BOOL)) {
switch (action) {
// Intercept the tap on login
case PLYPresentationActionLogin:{
// When the user has completed the process
//Pass true to reload the paywall if user is logged in
[self presentLoginAbove:info.controller completion:^(BOOL loggedIn) {
[Purchasely userLoginWith:@"MY_USER_ID"];
// Intercept the tap on purchase to display the terms and condition
case PLYPresentationActionPurchase:{
[self presentTermsAndConditionsAbove:info.controller completion:^(BOOL userAcceptedTerms) {
Purchasely.setPaywallActionsInterceptor { info, action, parameters, processAction ->if (info?.activity ==null) return@setPaywallActionsInterceptorwhen(action) { PLYPresentationAction.PURCHASE -> {presentTermsAndConditions(info.activity) { userAcceptedTerms ->// Don't forget to notify the SDK by calling `processAction`processAction(userAcceptedTerms) } PLYPresentationAction.LOGIN -> {// Call your method to display your view // and return boolean result to userLoggedInpresentLogin(info.activity) { userLoggedIn -> Purchasely.userLogin("MY_USER_ID")// Pass true to reload the paywall if user is logged inprocessAction(userLoggedIn) } }else-> { Log.d("PLYActionInterceptor", action.value+" "+ parameters)processAction(true) } }}
Purchasely.setPaywallActionsInterceptor((info, action, parameters, listener) -> {//if there is no activity then there is nothing to displayif (info ==null||info.getActivity() ==null) return;switch (action) {case PURCHASE://present your terms and call //listener.processAction(true) if accepted//or listener.processAction(false) if not to cancel purchasepresentTermsAndConditions(info.getActivity(), listener);break;case LOGIN:// call your method to display your view// and return boolean result to listener// Pass true to reload the paywall if user is logged in// listener.processAction(true);presentLogin(info.getActivity(), listener);break;default:listener.processAction(true); }});
Purchasely.setPaywallActionInterceptorCallback((result) => {console.log('Received action from paywall ';if (result.action ===PLYPaywallAction.NAVIGATE) {console.log('User wants to navigate to website '+result.parameters.title +' '+result.parameters.url );Purchasely.onProcessAction(true); } elseif (result.action ===PLYPaywallAction.CLOSE) {console.log('User wants to close paywall');Purchasely.onProcessAction(true); } elseif (result.action ===PLYPaywallAction.LOGIN) {console.log('User wants to login');//Present your own screen for user to log inPurchasely.closePaywall();Purchasely.userLogin('MY_USER_ID');//Call this method to update Purchasely PaywallPurchasely.onProcessAction(true); } elseif (result.action ===PLYPaywallAction.OPEN_PRESENTATION) {console.log('User wants to open a new paywall');Purchasely.onProcessAction(true); } elseif (result.action ===PLYPaywallAction.PURCHASE) {console.log('User wants to purchase');//If you want to intercept it, close paywall and display your screenPurchasely.closePaywall(); } elseif (result.action ===PLYPaywallAction.RESTORE) {console.log('User wants to restore his purchases');Purchasely.onProcessAction(true); } else {console.log('Action unknown '+result.action);Purchasely.onProcessAction(true); } });
Purchasely.setPaywallActionInterceptor((result) => {console.log('Received action from paywall';if (result.action ===Purchasely.PaywallAction.navigate) {console.log('User wants to navigate to website '+result.parameters.title +' '+result.parameters.url );Purchasely.onProcessAction(true); } elseif (result.action ===Purchasely.PaywallAction.close) {console.log('User wants to close paywall');Purchasely.onProcessAction(true); } elseif (result.action ===Purchasely.PaywallAction.login) {console.log('User wants to login');//Present your own screen for user to log inPurchasely.closePaywall();Purchasely.userLogin('MY_USER_ID');//Call this method to update Purchasely PaywallPurchasely.onProcessAction(true); } elseif (result.action ===Purchasely.PaywallAction.open_presentation) {console.log('User wants to open a new paywall');Purchasely.onProcessAction(true); } elseif (result.action ===Purchasely.PaywallAction.purchase) {console.log('User wants to purchase');//If you want to intercept it, close paywall and display your screenPurchasely.closePaywall(); } elseif (result.action ===Purchasely.PaywallAction.restore) {console.log('User wants to restore his purchases');Purchasely.onProcessAction(true); } else {console.log('Action unknown '+result.action);Purchasely.onProcessAction(true); }});
Purchasely.setPaywallActionInterceptorCallback( (PaywallActionInterceptorResult result) {if (result.action ==PLYPaywallAction.navigate) {print('User wants to navigate');Purchasely.onProcessAction(true); } elseif (result.action ==PLYPaywallAction.close) {print('User wants to close paywall');Purchasely.onProcessAction(false); } elseif (result.action ==PLYPaywallAction.login) {print('User wants to login');//Present your own screen for user to log inPurchasely.closePaywall();Purchasely.userLogin('MY_USER_ID');//Call this method to update Purchasely PaywallPurchasely.onProcessAction(true); } elseif (result.action ==PLYPaywallAction.open_presentation) {print('User wants to open a new paywall');Purchasely.onProcessAction(true); } elseif (result.action ==PLYPaywallAction.purchase) {print('User wants to purchase');//If you want to intercept it, close paywall and display your screenPurchasely.closePaywall();Purchasely.onProcessAction(false); } elseif (result.action ==PLYPaywallAction.restore) {print('User wants to restore his purchases');Purchasely.onProcessAction(true); } else {print('Action unknown '+ result.action.toString());Purchasely.onProcessAction(true); }});