Copy class PLYPresentation (
id : String ?
placementId : String ?
audienceId : String ?
abTestId : String ?
abTestVariantId : String ?
language : String ?
type : PLYPresentationType
plans : [ String ] // get PLYPlan instance with Purchasely.plan("planId")
// Android SDK only (Kotlin or Java)
view : PLYTemplateView ?
// iOS SDK only (Swift or Objective-C)
controller : UIViewController ?
Swift Objective-C Kotlin Java React Native Flutter Cordova Unity
Copy // fetch presentation with id
Purchasely. fetchPresentation ( with : "presentationId" , fetchCompletion : { presentation, error in
} )
// fetch presentation for placement
Purchasely. fetchPresentation (
for : "onboarding" ,
fetchCompletion : { presentation, error in
// closure to get presentation and display it
guard let presentation = presentation, error == nil else {
print ( "Error while fetching presentation: \(error ? .localizedDescription ?? "unknown" ) " )
if presentation.type == .normal || presentation.type == .fallback {
let paywallController = presentation.controller
// display paywall controller.
} else if presentation.type == .deactivated {
// nothing to display
} else if presentation.type == .client {
let presentationId =
let planIds = presentation.plans
// display your own paywall
completion : { result, plan in
// closure when presentation controller is closed to get result
switch result {
case .purchased :
print ( "User purchased: \(plan ? .name) " )
case .restored :
print ( "User restored: \(plan ? .name) " )
case .cancelled :
@unknown default:
} )
Copy [Purchasely fetchPresentationFor:@"onboarding" fetchCompletion:^(PLYPresentation * _Nullable presentation, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error != nil) {
NSLog(@"Error while fetching presentation: %@", error.localizedDescription);
if (presentation.type == PLYPresentationTypeNormal || presentation.type == PLYPresentationTypeFallback) {
PLYPresentationViewController *paywallController = presentation.controller;
// display paywall controller.
} else if (presentation.type == PLYPresentationTypeDeactivated) {
// nothing to display
} else if (presentation.type == PLYPresentationTypeClient) {
NSString *presentationId =;
NSArray<NSString *> *plans = presentation.plans;
//display your own paywall
} completion:nil];
Copy Purchasely. fetchPresentationForPlacement ( "onboarding" ) { presentation, error ->
if (error != null ) {
Log. d ( "Purchasely" , "Error fetching paywall" , error)
return @fetchPresentationForPlacement
when (presentation?.type) {
PLYPresentationType.FALLBACK -> {
val paywallView = presentation. buildView (
context = this@MainActivity ,
viewProperties = PLYPresentationViewProperties (
onClose = {
// TODO remove view from your layout
) { result, plan ->
// Paywall is closed, check result to know if a purchase happened
when (result) {
PLYProductViewResult.PURCHASED -> Log. d ( "Purchasely" , "User purchased ${ plan?.name } " )
PLYProductViewResult.CANCELLED -> Log. d ( "Purchasely" , "User cancelled purchased" )
PLYProductViewResult.RESTORED -> Log. d ( "Purchasely" , "User restored ${ plan?.name } " )
// Display Purchasely paywall by adding paywallView to your layout
PLYPresentationType.DEACTIVATED -> {
// Nothing to display
PLYPresentationType.CLIENT -> {
val paywallId =
val planIds = presentation.plans
// Display your own paywall
else -> {
//No presentation, it means an error was triggered
Copy Purchasely . fetchPresentationForPlacement (
this ,
"onboarding" ,
null ,
(presentation , error) -> {
if (error != null ) {
Log . d ( "Purchasely" , "Error fetching paywall" , error);
return null ;
if ( presentation . getType () == PLYPresentationType . NORMAL
|| presentation . getType () == PLYPresentationType . FALLBACK ) {
// display Purchasely paywall
PLYTemplateView paywallView = presentation . view
if ( presentation . getType () == PLYPresentationType . DEACTIVATED ) {
// nothing to display
if ( presentation . getType () == PLYPresentationType . CLIENT ) {
String paywallId = presentation . getId ();
List < String > planIds = presentation . getPlans ();
// Display your own paywall
return null ;
Copy try {
// Fetch presentation to display
const presentation = await Purchasely .fetchPresentation ({
placementId : 'onboarding'
if ( presentation .type == PLYPresentationType . DEACTIVATED ) {
// No paywall to display
if ( presentation .type == PLYPresentationType . CLIENT ) {
// Display my own paywall
//Display Purchasely paywall
const result = await Purchasely .presentPresentation ({
presentation : presentation
switch ( result .result) {
case ProductResult . PRODUCT_RESULT_RESTORED :
if ( result .plan != null ) {
console .log ( 'User purchased ' + result . plan .name);
break ;
console .log ( 'User cancelled' );
break ;
} catch (e) {
console .error (e);
Copy try {
var presentation = await Purchasely . fetchPresentation ( "ONBOARDING" );
if (presentation == null ) {
print ( "No presentation found" );
return ;
if (presentation.type == PLYPresentationType .deactivated) {
// No paywall to display
return ;
if (presentation.type == PLYPresentationType .client) {
// Display my own paywall
return ;
//Display Purchasely paywall
var presentResult = await Purchasely . presentPresentation (presentation,
isFullscreen : false );
switch (presentResult.result) {
case PLYPurchaseResult .cancelled :
print ( "User cancelled purchased" );
break ;
case PLYPurchaseResult .purchased :
print ( "User purchased ${presentResult.plan?.name} " );
break ;
case PLYPurchaseResult .restored :
print ( "User restored ${presentResult.plan?.name} " );
break ;
} catch (e) {
print (e);
Copy private PurchaselyRuntime . Purchasely _purchasely;
.. .
_purchasely . FetchPresentation ( "presentationId" ,
OnFetchPresentationSuccess ,
Log ,
"contentId" );
.. .
private void OnFetchPresentationSuccess ( Presentation presentation)
Log ( "Fetch Presentation Success." );
LogPresentation (presentation);
switch ( presentation . presentationType )
case PresentationType . Normal :
case PresentationType . Fallback :
_purchasely . PresentPresentationWithId ( presentation . id ,
OnPresentationResult ,
OnPresentationContentLoaded ,
break ;
case PresentationType . Unknown :
case PresentationType . Deactivated :
Log ( $"Fetched presentation with type: { presentation . presentationType }. Will not show content." );
break ;
case PresentationType . Client :
paywall . Show (presentation);
break ;