Purchase manually

Purchasely provides customizable presentation templates you but if you want to create your own and only use Purchasely for handling the purchase process you can. We offer methods to:

  • Get a product

  • Get a plan

  • Get a users subscriptions

  • Purchase a product

  • Restore all products

Getting all products

Purchasely.allProducts(success: { (products) in
	// Returns an array of products and its available plans
}, failure: { (error) in
	// Display error

Getting a product

Purchasely.product(with: "PRODUCT_VENDOR_ID", success: { (product) in
	// Returns a product and its available plans
}, failure: { (error) in
	// Display error

Getting a plan

Purchasely.plan(with: "PLAN_VENDOR_ID", success: { (plan) in
	// Use the plan to display a price or start a purchase
}, failure: { (error) in
	// Display error

Purchasing a plan

Purchasely.purchase(plan: plan, success: {
	// Unlock / reload content and display a success / thank you message to user
}, failure: { (error) in
	// Display error

Restoring all products

Purchasely.restoreAllProducts(success: {
	// Reload content and display a success / thank you message to user
}, failure: { (error) in
	// Display error

Getting user subscriptions

Purchasely.userSubscriptions(success: { (subscriptions) in
	// Subscription object contains the plan purchased and the source it was purchased from (iOS or Android)
	// Calling unsubscribe() will either switch the user to its AppStore settings 
	// or display a procedure on how to unsubscribe on Android
}, failure: { (error) in
	// Display error

Last updated