Unity SDK

Guide for integrating Purchasely SDK inside your Unity application


Unity Package Manager

From the Unity Package Manager window:

  • Add Package from Git url



From the Purchasely package window (Windows -> Purchasely):

  • Set the API Key field to your Purchasely API Key

External Dependencies Manager

A third party external package is necessary to handle external dependencies with Cocoapods for iOS and Gradle for Android

You can also use Unity Package Manager to install it


If you have difficulties building your Unity project with Purchasely Package, please make sure to follow all those steps and External Dependency Manager is installed on your project

Resolve on build or automatically

In Assets -> External Dependency Manager -> Android Resolver > Settings make sure that Resolution On Build and/or Auto Resolution are checked as well as patch gradleTemplate.properties

Add custom gradle files

To allow dependency manager to work properly, it may be required to add custom gradle files to your project. You can do that in a few clicks

File -> Build Settings -> Android -> Player Settings -> Publishing Settings

You need to check

  • Custom Gradle Properties Template

If it is still not working, we suggest to check also the following

  • Custom Main Gradle Template

  • Custom Base Gradle Template

Remove included AAR or APK

If you have a duplicate class issue, it may be due to AAR or APK included directly in your Project. Unity may add them directly, you can look in Project window and Assets -> Plugin -> Android If you have some aar files, mainly the ones starting with androidx, included there, you should remove them as Purchasely already integrate them and they are the ones causing this conflict error

Clean Build

After including or updating Purchasely Unity Package, you should do a Clean Build in File -> Build Settings -> Android to make sure that the latest Purchasely android dependencies are fetched by your project

Last updated