Migrate to Purchasely

Guide to migrate your existing subscriptions to Purchasely.

Quick overview of the migration process

A quick overview of the migration process to help you understand why we are doing things when we'll go deeper in the explanations:

  1. Configure your app/products/plans in the Purchasely console: without this data, we won't be able to do anything

  2. Send us every new subscription created on you side with a call on our API: this step ensure we'll know everything about the subscriptions created from this point in time (needed for the users still using old versions of your app)

  3. Extract your existing subscriptions into a CSV: this step ensure we'll known everything about the subscriptions created in the past

  4. Release your new app: at this point, our backend will know every past/present/future subscriptions and you'll be able to release your app, everything will work smoothly.

Migration process in details

1. Configure your app/products/plans in the Purchasely console

Everything is explained here: https://docs.purchasely.com/quick-start/console-configuration

2. Send us every new subscription created on you side with a call on our API

Post receipt

POST https://s2s.purchasely.io/receipts

This endpoint allows you to update Purchasely with new purchases made by a previous version of your app.


Request Body

{ "id": "transaction-id" }

The not-mandatory-fields are highly recommended: we use them to calculate the LTV (life-time value) of your users and track your revenues.

2.1. Body parameters exemple

  // App Store specific
  "receipt_data": "abcdFEbsbs",
  // Common
  "user_id": "1234",
  "store_product_id": "com.foo.bar",
  "amount_cents": 1235,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "quantity": 1,
  "intro_amount_cents": 0,
  "intro_cycles": 2,
  "intro_duration": 4,
  "intro_period": "week",
  "duration": 3,
  "period": "month"

2.2. Requests example

curl \
  --request POST \
  -i \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "X-API-KEY:00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444" \
  --data '{"purchase_token":"aaaNNNcccDDDeeeFFF","user_id":"1234567890","store_product_id":"com.my.product","amount_cents":199,"currency":"EUR","quantity":1,"intro_amount_cents":0,"intro_cycles":0, "intro_duration":0,"intro_period":null,"duration":3,"period":"month"}' \

3. Extract your existing subscriptions into a CSV

It's time to extract all you existing subscriptions (active and expired)!

As before, we'll need different fields, depending of the platform (same rules apply for mandatory/recommended fields).

When extracted, send us these files and we'll take care of importing them.

3.1. App Store


3.2. Play Store


4. Release your new app

When everything is ok on our side, we'll send you a confirmation that you can release your apps.

Last updated

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