Play Store

Connecting the Purchasely Cloud Platform with the App Store

Getting the endpoint URL from the Purchasely Console

  1. Connect to the Purchasely Console

  2. Access the settings of the application you want to connect

  3. Get the value of the parameter Google S 2 S Notifications Endpoint Purchasely > Mobile Applications > [YOUR APPLICATION] > Application settings

Creating a new Pub/Sub Topic

  1. Create new Pub/Sub topic Google Cloud Platform > PubSub > Topics > + Create new topic

  2. Suggested name for the topic Playstore-S2S-notifications

  3. Leave the encryption set on Key managed by Google

If you have multiple applications under the same Google Project, create one topic and one subscription per application.

Creating a subscription on the topic

  1. Access the topic you just created

  2. Click on + Create a subscription

  3. Set the Type of distribution to Push

  4. In the URL field, enter the value of the field Google Play S2S Notifications Endpoint retrieved from the Purchasely Console

  5. Set no expiration date

  6. Set the confirmation delay to 60 seconds

  7. Set Messages conservation to 7 days

To receive S2S notifications on mutiple endpoints, you can create another subscription linked to the same topic.

Adding a publisher to the topic

  1. Add a new Pub/Sub Editor to the topic in the Google Cloud Platform Console Google Cloud Platform > PubSub > Topics > [Playstore-S2S-Notifications] > + Add member

  2. Copy & paste the following value in the member field

  3. Set the role to Pub/Sub Publisher

Play Store configuration

  1. Connect to the Google Play Console and go to the following section Google Play Console > [YOUR APPLICATION] > Monetization > Setup

  2. Type the full name of the topic. It shall have the shape projects/[YOUR PROJECTS]/topics/Playstore-S2S-Notifications

  3. Click on the button Send test notification. You can send several notifications at the same time

  4. Click on Save changes

  5. Check the good reception of the test notification at the topic level

    in the Google Cloud Platform Console Google Cloud Platform > Topics > Googleplay-S2S-Notifications

  6. Check the good reception of the test notification at the subscription level

    in the Google Cloud Platform Console Google Cloud Platform > Subscriptions > Purchasely-Subscriptions

Last updated

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