
We have added new events to the webhook to bring you a deep understanding of your customers behavior and help you trigger powerful automations.

We have separated transactional and marketing events to make access control management as simple as a switch button. Additionally over 20 events are now available to you to track and understand you subscribers lifecycle. We also changed the attributes attached to the events to ease integration and give you more context and understanding of your subscription system.

1. Migrate transactional events

Transactional events are declaring a subscription start and stop. You shall be using them to store the subscriber state in the database and grant/revoke access to contents or features of your app.

Prior to this version you were using 3 events to control the access:

  • PURCHASE_VALIDATED used to grant access

  • SUBSCRIPTION_RENEWED used to grant access (after a pause period) or confirm (renewal)

  • SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED used to revoke access

They are replaced by 2 simple events:

  • ACTIVATE use to grant access immediately (will be triggered at each renewal)

  • DEACTIVATE use to revoke access immediately

PURCHASE_VALIDATED and SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED will no longer be triggered. SUBSCRIPTION_RENEWED must only be used for marketing purposes.

If you want to keep track of the start and end of a subscription (e.g. for your analytics or CRM) you can use SUBSCRIPTION_STARTED and SUBSCRIPTION_TERMINATED. Once again, you must not use them to handle access control as there might be other subscription terminated events such as SUBSCRIPTION_REFUNDED_REVOKED.

Learn more and find the full list of events here.

2. Attributes

Event attributes give you deep context about the subscription such as plan, product, store, country, currency...

Prior to this version we provided a structure with nested attributes like:

  "user": {
    "vendor_id": "<user id you provided through the sdk>"
  "properties": {
    "app": {
      "platform": "ANDROID",
      "package_id": "<app bundle id defined in the store console>"
    "store": "GOOGLE_PLAY_STORE",
    "product": {
      "plan": {
        "type": "RENEWING_SUBSCRIPTION",
        "vendor_id": "<plan vendorID defined in the Purchasely console>",
        "store_product_id": "<store product id defined in the store console>"
      "vendor_id": "<product vendorID define in the Purchasely console>"
    "expires_at": "2021-05-21T12:58:55.097Z",
    "period_type": "NORMAL",
    "purchase_id": "subs_XFJFJEBFFU757FUJH",
    "purchased_at": "2021-05-21T12:51:59.066Z",
    "original_transaction_id": "GPA.100000099999999"
  "api_version": 2,
  "received_at": "2021-05-21T12:52:03.968Z"

This structure has been flattened to ease integration and match what we sent to third parties tools (Braze, Amplitude...).

  "api_version": 3,
  "content_id": "<content id you provided through the sdk>",
  "environment": "SANDBOX",
  "event_created_at": "2021-11-22T09:23:38.559Z",
  "event_created_at_ms": 1637573018559,
  "event_name": "ACTIVATE",
  "is_family_shared": false,
  "offer_type": "NONE",
  "original_purchased_at": "2021-11-22T09:23:36.000Z",
  "original_purchased_at_ms": 1637573016000,
  "plan": "<plan vendorID defined in the Purchasely console>",
  "product": "<product vendorID define in the Purchasely console>",
  "purchased_at": "2021-11-22T09:23:36.000Z",
  "purchased_at_ms": 1637573016000,
  "purchasely_one_time_purchase_id": "otp_XXXXXXXFFFFFFFFF",
  "store": "APPLE_APP_STORE",
  "store_app_bundle_id": "<app bundle id defined in the store console>",
  "store_country": "US",
  "store_original_transaction_id": "100000099999999",
  "store_product_id": "<store product id defined in the store console>",
  "store_transaction_id": "100000099999999",
  "user_id": "<user id you provided through the sdk>"

Learn more and find the full list of attributes here.

If you have any question reach us on our help center .

Last updated

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