Managing entitlements

Determining which user is concerned by the Event

When receiving an event on the Webhook, you can parse the attributes user_id or anonymous_user_id to determine which user is concerned by the Event.

The attribute user_id will only be populated if a user identifier was set within the app, using the setUserId method of Purchasely SDK.

If the user is not signed-in inside the application, you can rely on the property anonymous_id which will be automatically populated by the Purchasely Cloud Platform.

Determining if new entitlements should be set or removed

The Event name carries the information about the event signification.

  • If the name is ACTIVATE, this means that a new purchase has been made or the subscription has renewed. The corresponding user shall be entitled.

  • If the name is DEACTIVATE, this means that the user subscription has expired. Entitlements shall thus be removed immediately.

Entitlements can be seen as an on/off switch.

Determining which entitlements shall be granted to the user

The Event is also carrying the information related to the Product and Plan purchased by the user. These object are carrying an identifier that you can set yourself in the Purchasely Console (called vendor_id see Configuring Products & Plans).

Sample payload for a user that has purchased the PURCHASELY_PLUS_MONTHLY Plan attached to the PURCHASELY_PLUS Product.

  "event_name": "ACTIVATE",
  "user_id": "<user id you provided through the sdk>",
  "product": "PUCHASELY_PLUS",

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