UI Analytics
Purchasley controls a part of your UI and flows but we offer you the ability to track everything that the user is doing within our flows.
Listen to the events
Purchasely tracks every action perfomed and you can insert these events into your own tracking system. To receive these events (PLYEvent
) by setting yourself as a delegate (PLYEventDelegate/PLYEventListener
), either from the start
or later
Then you will receive the events like this :
Event list
Every front end event is available through the eventDelegate
Event | Description | iOS value | Android value |
APP_CONFIGURED | The SDK is ready to make purchases | .appConfigured | AppConfigured |
APP_INSTALLED | First installation of the SDK | .appInstalled | AppInstalled |
APP_STARTED | The app was launched | .appStarted | AppStarted |
APP_UPDATED | The application version changed since last launch | .appUpdated | AppUpdated |
DEEPLINK_OPENED | The user opened a deeplink | .deeplinkOpened | DeepLinkOpened |
IN_APP_DEFERRED | The user started a deferred payment (i.e. Ask to buy) | .inAppDeferred | InAppDeferred |
IN_APP_PURCHASE_FAILED | The purchase failed | .inAppPurchaseFailed | InAppPurchaseFailed |
IN_APP_PURCHASED | The purchased succeeded | .inAppPurchased | InAppPurchased |
IN_APP_PURCHASING | The purchase started | .inAppPurchasing | InAppPurchasing |
IN_APP_RENEWED | The subscription renewed (usually occurs on launch) | .inAppRenewed | n/a |
IN_APP_RESTORED | The user restored its purchases after attempting to purchase a product he already owned | .inAppRestored | InAppRestored |
LINK_OPENED | The user tapped a link (Terms and conditions, …) | .linkOpened | LinkOpened |
LOGIN_TAPPED | The user tapped on the login button | .loginTapped | LoginTapped |
PLAN_SELECTED | The user selected a plan in the presentation | .planSelected | PlanSelected |
PRESENTATION_OPENED | The user tapped to open another presentation (FLOWS) | .presentationOpened | PresentationOpened |
PRESENTATION_SELECTED | The user selected a presentation in the current presentation (FLOWS) | .presentationSelected | PresentationSelected |
PRESENTATION_VIEWED | The presentation was opened | .presentationViewed | PresentationViewed |
PURCHASE_CANCELLED | The user cancelled the purchase action | .purchaseCancelled | PurchaseCancelled |
PURCHASE_CANCELLED_BY_APP | The app cancelled the purchase process | .purchaseCancelledByApp | PurchaseCancelledByApp |
PURCHASE_FROM _STORE_TAPPED | The user opened the app from a Promoted In-App Purchase | .purchaseFromStoreTapped | n/a |
PURCHASE_TAPPED | The user tapped on purchase | .purchaseTapped | PurchaseTapped |
RECEIPT_CREATED | The purchase was registered at Purchasely | .receiptCreated | ReceiptCreated |
RECEIPT_FAILED | The purchase was rejected | .receiptFailed | ReceiptFailed |
RECEIPT_VALIDATED | The purchase was validated | .receiptValidated | ReceiptValidated |
RESTORE_FAILED | The restoration failed | .restoreFailed | RestoreFailed |
RESTORE_STARTED | The restoration started | .restoreStarted | RestoreStarted |
RESTORE_SUCCEEDED | The restoration succeeded | .restoreSucceeded | RestoreSucceeded |
STORE_PRODUCT _FETCH_FAILED | Purchasely couldn't fetch the product from the store | .productFetchError | ProductFetchError |
SUBSCRIPTIONS_TRANSFERRED | The anonymous user signed in and its subscriptions were transferred | .subscriptionsTransferred | SubscriptionsTransferred |
USER_LOGGED_IN | A user logged in | .userLoggedIn | UserLoggedIn |
USER_LOGGED_OUT | A user logged out | .userLoggedOut | UserLoggedOut |
Some events are specific to the User subscriptions screen
SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL_TAPPED | The user tapped Cancel subscription | .subscriptionCancelTapped | SubscriptionCancelTapped |
SUBSCRIPTION_DETAILS_VIEWED | Detail page of a subscription viewed | .subscriptionDetailsViewed | SubscriptionDetailsViewed |
SUBSCRIPTION_PLAN_TAPPED | Tapped to change plan | .subscriptionPlanTapped | SubscriptionPlanTapped |
SUBSCRIPTIONS_LIST_VIEWED | Subscriptions list viewed | .subscriptionsListViewed | SubscriptionListViewed |
CANCELLATION_REASON _PUBLISHED | The user replied to the cancellation survey | .cancellationReasonPublished | CancellationReasonPublished |
Last updated