Subscription events attributes


All our subscription events are broadcast with attributes, you will find here the full list of those attributes and their specifics. We encourage you to use those attributes to take decision (for exemple whether you will make a special offer to your customer or not) and to tailor your communications.

JSON Samples

  "plan": "<plan vendorID defined in the Purchasely console>",
  "store": "APPLE_APP_STORE",
  "product": "<product vendorID define in the Purchasely console>",
  "user_id": "<user id you provided through the sdk>",
  "event_name": "SUBSCRIPTION_STARTED",
  "offer_type": "NONE",
  "api_version": 3,
  "environment": "SANDBOX",
  "purchased_at": "2021-11-07T17:41:17.000Z",
  "store_country": "FR",
  "next_renewal_at": "2021-11-07T17:44:17.000Z",
  "purchased_at_ms": 1636306877000,
  "event_created_at": "2021-11-07T17:41:34.188Z",
  "is_family_shared": false,
  "store_product_id": "<store product id defined in the store console>",
  "next_renewal_at_ms": 1636307057000,
  "event_created_at_ms": 1636306894188,
  "store_app_bundle_id": "<app bundle id defined in the store console>",
  "subscription_status": "AUTO_RENEWING",
  "store_transaction_id": "100000099999999",
  "original_purchased_at": "2021-11-07T17:41:18.000Z",
  "original_purchased_at_ms": 1636306878000,
  "effective_next_renewal_at": "2021-11-07T17:44:17.000Z",
  "purchasely_subscription_id": "subs_XFJFJEBFFU757FUJH",
  "effective_next_renewal_at_ms": 1636307057000,
  "store_original_transaction_id": "10000009999999"

Last updated

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